My name is saibatu Mansaray and this is our Journey!

Retired US Army Major, a two-tour Combat Veteran, a former White House senior executive, a Muslimah, Advocate and Executive Operations and Strategist.
Let my story be proof that when someone tells you “you can’t”, you shout back,

”let me show you!”


The Saibatu Mansaray Journey platform prioritizes raising awareness on the issues and challenges we face in Africa, especially as it relates to health and women’s leadership. It is our hope that by sharing my story and the stories of our amazing guests, you the listeners are inspired, as we are, to join the fight and affect positive change. Our passion, our goal, is to keep you informed and motivated on all thing’s faith, women and youth empowerment, global health, and of course, our beloved Mother Africa. Through it all we will not forget my humble and unbelievable 10 year White House journey!

Muslimah; Hijab; Islam; Africa; Global Health; Leadership; Advocacy

WHAT’S NEW 2024 ??

As we march together into this new year of 2024, we must have a purpose, a vision and a goal. What will our big wow moment be in 2024? It is our shared responsibility to leave behind a better world, to leave a mark and be the change we so desperately desire that will stand the test of time for generations to come. This is the burden that we all must shoulder globally. Last year a number of things were accomplished and we broke some ground, so with that, this is just a snippet on what I will focus on this year:

Consultation Services: My 10 year humble tenure at the White House groomed, prepared and tested me to successfully take on the smallest or biggest of challenges. My direct service to the President and two Vice Presidents of the United States on executive medicine, executive operations and strategy, international diplomacy, leading high performing personnel and teams on strategy and preparation for emergency actions, coordination and execution of VVIP high level events and meetings with foreign officials and governments in over 45 countries, and domestically in 46 states. I led the public health team at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and understand the intricacies of drug prevention, treatment and recovery and played an integral role in developing the President of the United States’ National Drug Control Policy and the very first National Treatment Plan to address and combat substance use disorder. I worked with coroners, state public health officials, international and local organizations, medical boards and organizations, correctional facilities, 33 governmental agencies and the White House Domestic Policy Council leading the efforts on tackling drug abuse. As the United States Drug Demand Coordinator, I briefed congressional staff on our integral work. My 23 years of service in the U.S. Army primed and tested me on what it takes to mentor, lead and coach a team to success.

  • Organizational Leadership

  • Executive Concierge Medicine

  • Executive Operations & Strategy (Medical, Organizational and C-Suite Operations; VVIP high level events and meetings)

  • International Relations, Diplomacy & Protocol

  • Health Policy & Implementation

  • Hospital trauma management and patient flow

  • Emergency Action Plan Development

  • Keynote Speaker

Women’s and Youth Inspirant: Growing up without women role models was a disadvantage for me as a young girl. Today, I strive every day to represent, inspire and be that woman I needed to see, hear and read about when I was a youth. Inspiring girls and women is crucial and we cannot sit by while their voices go unheard and not have a seat at the table. The U.S. Army encouraged me to represent and stand out as a strong woman in a field that was male dominated. Issues surrounding our youth are near and dear to my heart as I vividly remember my youthful days growing up in Sierra Leone and the many unmet needs for all youth. Today, our youth struggle with drug abuse, varying mental health conditions, wasted talent, subpar environment, lack of committed mentors, teenage pregnancy, illiteracy and unemployment. I committed to raising awareness about youth and women issues and working and mentoring them to their full potential.

Faith: Islam is my religion. Since my father’s passing in 2019, I strive everyday to seek knowledge about the Deen, to wearing the hijab and to lending my voice to propagate Islam. We need more women on this Journey of da’wah as our role in Islam is far and wide. I have the humble opportunity to present on Islamic topics on the Voice of Islam radio in Sierra Leone.  I’m committed to encouraging and inspiring more women to take up the hijab, to lend their voice and time to da’wah efforts and to humbly represent women in Islam. I provide religious inspirational talks, support Islamic / Qu’ranic studies for girls and women, advisor to Islamic organizations and schools. I have had the blessed opportunity to speak internationally and at local events on Islamic topics and this is a venture I hope to continue throughout this year. My work in Islam led to me being  awarded Inspirational Islamic Woman of the Year 2022 at the National Islamic Awards. I have also embarked on working with orphans in an Islamic Primary School to encourage them that all is not lost and together we can be dream chasers and productive members of society.

Speaking Engagements: My 26 years of combined military and White House experience, my current work as the Founder and CEO of The Mansaray Foundation focused on reducing maternal mortality, currently hosting two radio shows and a podcast and the numerous speaking engagements on a wide variety of topics ranging from women’s health, substance use disorder, executive medicine for (V)VIPs, faith, women in leadership, African youth, and motivational talks have all resulted in being keynote and guest speaker at a great number of events / conferences locally and internationally. Visit the “contact me” page for booking.

Maternal Health: Women’s health needs a laser focused approach. Complications from teenage pregnancy resulting in 1/4 of the maternal deaths in our adolescents in Sierra Leone is heartbreaking. Women dying from complications of childbirth resulting in approximately 1/73 deaths for every delivery and the country’s maternal mortality ratio of 717/100,000 live births is unacceptable. No woman should fear childbirth despite her economic, literacy or geographic status and no child should grow up without a mother. I lost three aunts to maternal mortality and this personal crisis gave birth to The Mansaray Foundation (; Facebook Twitter LinkedIn). In December 2020 I relocated to Sierra Leone to lead the efforts on reducing maternal mortality in the rural parts of the country. Our rural women suffer the most health disparities and are marginalized and disadvantaged. Today, I speak on numerous global and local platforms raising awareness and calling to action on ending maternal mortality and through the work of my foundation, we are making strides through a grassroots approach.

Media: Saibatu Mansaray is on a mission which has led me to host podcasts and weekly shows on Africa Young Voices (AYV) Radio and Voice of Islam Radio in Sierra Leone. With my amazing guests, both the podcasts and the AYV show touch on all of my priorities with very engaging and informative discussions. The AYV program and the Voice of Islam radio programs are both live streamed on The Saibatu Mansaray Journey Facebook page at

In the last few years I have distinctly learned that we are guaranteed nothing in this life, we only have this moment right now. Life is short, it is temporary and fleeting. Time is valuable, but yet it is the most wasted. So ask yourself about this short time you have on earth. What will you do with it? How will you spend it? What will you be remembered for? No matter where you are in the world, no matter what obstacles are put in front of you, Journey on with faith and confidence. We should all be inspired every day to pursue what we love, to overcome anything that stands between us and our dreams. Failure is not your enemy, but quitting on yourself actually is and yes I am on a mission!

Throughout the year, I will offer consultative services, speaking engagements, chat with some inspiring change makers and stay on course to leaving a mark on society. Yes the Muslim, African woman, retired U.S. Army officer, former White House senior executive who has been challenged and prepared over the last 26 years is without a doubt the woman you want to compliment your Journey of making a difference.

There is nothing we cannot do, no mountain too high, no valley too low. We are all masters of our fate guided by our faith, passion and can-do attitude.

Join us on this never-ending Journey!; Instagram Facebook Twitter