Sierra Leone needs you

No woman, despite their geographic, economic, or literacy status should have to fear dying from childbirth.


the problem


1 in 17 mothers in Sierra Leone has a lifetime risk
of death associated with childbirth. (reported)

94% of maternal deaths occur in developing
countries such as Sierra Leone. (reported)

Why We Fight

In September 1997, I lost my aunt. In May 2008, I lost another aunt.

My aunt, a proud Sierra Leone native, and mother of four, was delivering twins when she suffered a postpartum hemorrhage that not only took her life but also the life of one of her twins. This was in 1997, when my aunt and her baby were lost forever. Her five surviving beautiful children were forced to grow up without their mother. After 23 years, this loss still feels like it was only yesterday and for many more families in my home country, it very well could have been yesterday, or even today. My family was again forced to endure the aftermath of this crisis in 2008, when a second aunt died from childbirth complications. She, too, went to deliver my beautiful cousin and succumbed to postpartum hemorrhage. Three more cousins of mine were now without their mother: left to navigate life without her loving guidance. Sierra Leone is an amazing place with incredible people where losses like this have sadly become commonplace. My people, as foreign as it may seem to the outside world, fear childbirth.

Mother - Life - Child

94% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries such as Sierra Leone with 830 women dying every day around the world from preventable causes. My aunts were two of these women. They are a statistic now but to me, their husbands, and their surviving children, they are so much more. I don’t know each of these 830 women who die each day, but I know they have families, they have children and nieces who loved them and will miss them for the rest of their lives.

Thinking of these mothers and their families, I have set forth to be part of the solution to this crisis and God willing to save lives through the work of The Mansaray Foundation. Named in honor of My Father and my two Aunt’s, who we miss dearly.

The Mansaray Foundation is a grassroots non-profit organization seeking to make a difference and save as many lives as humanly possible in Sierra Leone, a country that is in dire need of an all-hands-on-deck approach to their maternal health care crisis. The foundation consists of a passionate team that is leading the charge on change to save the lives of rural women as no woman should fear childbirth, and no child should lose their mother to preventable causes.

We will be working to improve maternal health through access to quality services, a skilled workforce, community-led sustainable programs, and resources. We need you and so do these mothers. Join us as we embark on a Journey to transform the lives of women and children in Sierra Leone, Africa, and around the world.

We should all agree that no mother, no matter their geographic, economic, or literacy status should have to fear childbirth. We can change this – together!

Join the fight:

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Currently, Sierra Leone has a disadvantaged infrastructure to support the women who will suffer complications or require surgery due to lack of:

  • Trained providers

  • Medicine

  • Equipment

  • Adequate resources in rural areas

Overall bare minimum healthcare fixes will not close the maternal treatment gap nor strengthen the spectrum of the healthcare system as a whole. This effort requires long-term investments tailored to Sierra Leone by the government and its various invaluable stakeholders.

Together, we can make a difference. We can bring about the change that my home country so desperately deserves. We call on you to join the fight, to be part of this great push for change and help us save lives. No contribution, no matter how big or small, is unimportant. 1 US Dollar is worth roughly 10,000 Leones. One dollar WILL improve and prolong the life of a Sierra Leonean mother.

Join the fight for change. #FightForOurMothers



Find out how you can get involved today!


Join the fight on social media by lending your voice to this global health crisis by spreading the message, sharing our work, be part of the solution and call to action.

We are 2 years into our fight for our mothers and change is possible if we work together