The Saibatu Mansaray Journey

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Episode 12: Increasing Access to Care Worldwide

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As our health issues are on the rise globally, Physician Assistants are integral to expanding the workforce thereby increasing access to care. This episode, we chat with a fellow Physician Assistant, Yale’s Assistant Professor Mary Showstark on expanding the healthcare workforce globally in efforts to meet the health demands of individuals and that of our entire society. Mary shares the concerted efforts of herself and others on global mid-level provider programs that are graduating qualified Physician Assistants, Community Health Officers, Physician Associates, Clinical Officers and Associates which in turn expands the workforce. 

You don’t want to miss:

  • Integral providers that expand a country’s healthcare workforce

  • International Federation of Physician Assistant / Physician Associate and Clinical Officer / Clinical Associate / Comparable Students’ Association (IFPACS); Physician Assistant for Global Health (PAGH); International Academy of Physician Associate Educators (IAPAE)

  • Recognizing and utilizing the mid-level providers in developing countries

Through my story and those of my amazing guests, I pray that our message touches the lives of people to be inspired, encouraged and informed all on all things faith, empowerment, global health, and beloved Mother Africa.

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